Thursday, 10 November 2011

elements of assembly programming

Elements of Assembly Language
Assembly language is basically like any other language, which means that it has its words, rules and syntax. The basic elements of assembly language are:
Directives; and
mathematical and logical operations:
+ Addition 10+5 15
- Subtraction 25-17 8
* Multiplication 7*4 28
/ Division (with no remainder) 7/4 1
MOD Remainder of division 7 MOD 4 3
SHR Shift register bits to the right 1000B SHR 2 0010B
SHL Shift register bits to the left 1010B SHL 2 101000B
NOT Negation (first complement of number) NOT 1 1111111111111110B
AND Logical AND 1101B AND 0101B 0101B
OR Logical OR 1101B OR 0101B 1101B
XOR Exclusive OR 1101B XOR 0101B 1000B
LOW 8 low significant bits LOW(0AADDH) 0DDH
HIGH 8 high significant bits HIGH(0AADDH) 0AAH
EQ, = Equal 7 EQ 4 or 7=4 0 (false)
NE,<> Not equal 7 NE 4 or 7<>4 0FFFFH (true)
GT, > Greater than 7 GT 4 or 7>4 0FFFFH (true)
GE, >= Greater or equal 7 GE 4 or 7>=4 0FFFFH (true)
LT, < Less than 7 LT 4 or 7<4 0 (false)

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